Relationship Between Political Science and Sociology

Relationship Between Political Science and Sociology

Political science is a social science which deals with the social life of human in systems of governance and the analysis of political activities, political thoughts and political behavior.

  • Distribution of power and authority among individual on the basis of social position in the society and excessing social control are the main function of political science
  • Sociology also deals with the structure and function of governing institution and the agencies of social control.
  • States and role are determined and distributed according to the cultural values of the society.
  • It is the norms of the society which shapes our values and institutions.
  • Rise and fall of govt, election, political changes are studied by sociology and political science.
  • Basically political science bringing social control in the society.


1. Sociology study all kinds of societies.
2. Sociology scope is wider.
3. Sociology studies man as a social animal.
4. Sociology is science of society.
5. Sociology is young, not even two centuries old.
6. It is general social science.
7. The approach of sociology is sociological It follows its own methods in addition to the scientific method, in its investigation.

Political Science:

1. Political Science is a science of state and government
2. Political Science studies only politically organized societies.
3. It has a narrow field scope.
4. It studies man as a political animal.
5. It is a special social science because it concentrates only on the human relationship which are political in character.
6. The approach of political science is political. It has its own methods of study like historical methods, philosophical methods etc.
7. Political Science is an older science comparatively . It has centuries of history.

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