Relationship Between Sociology and Anthropology

Relationship Between Sociology and Anthropology
  • Social and cultural Anthropology is the branch of Anthropology related with sociology. Main aim of the area is to study the culture of primitive societies but the recent bend is to study the modern technological changes in various cultures.
  • In sociology the emphasis is laid upon the study of structure, function and problems of culture in a society.
  • Study of culture is a significant part of sociology whereas culture is the subject matter of Anthropology.
  1. Sociology studies the modern civilized and complex studies.
  2. Sociology study small as well as large societies.
  3. Sociology make use of observation, interview, survey, questionnaire.
  4. Sociology focus on the study of society.
  5. Gain insight human behavior how and why human beings behave in a particular manner in a society is the central question in any sociological debate(arguments).
  6. It is present concept.
  7. Work with the urban cultures.


  1. Anthropology concerned itself with the simple, uncivilized or primitive and non-literate societies.
  2. Anthropology usually concentrate on small societies such as nomadic societies.
  3. Anthropologists directly go and live in the community where they study. They make use of direct observation and interviews etc.
  4. Anthropology is a broader social science as it studies various aspects about human beings from their physical features to study of their artifacts.
  5. Anthropology is much more historical.
  6. Anthropology focus upon tribes and colonized people. 

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