Relationship Between Economics and Sociology

Economics is concerned with the social life of people in the special field of production, distribution and consumption of wealth and resource while sociology study the social behavior of the people. They are called sometimes the branches of each other.
  • Due to the process of the social interaction various function are performed in society in which economic function are commonly exist and used.
  • Without social contact, social groups cannot develop.
  • Economics norms are evolved(to spread) later from social groups contact.
  • There norms include, the norms of business, trade and banking from economic contact, the social institution of economy is develop
  • It is included that economics institutions are develop and governed by the norms of the society.
  1. Sociology deals with all kinds of social relationship.
  2. It is a general social science.
  3. it has a wider/broader scope.
  4. It is a young social science.
  5. It study the abstract things in the society.
  6. Sociology considers human as a social beings.
  7. It is less precise in nature.
  8. It study human beings in sociological perspective.
  1. Economics deals with only economic relationship in society
  2. It is a particular and special social science.
  3. It has a narrow scope.
  4. It is an old-age social science.
  5. It study the concrete things in an economy.
  6. It considers human as a economic beings.
  7. It is more precise in nature.
  8. It study human beings in economics perspective.


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