How to Write a Good Personal Statement? Understanding the Basics

How to Write a Good Personal Statement Understanding the Basics

How to Write a Good Personal Statement? Understanding the Basics

A personal statement is a kind of essay writing in which the writer narrates his life story. It shows the past, present and future planning of the writer to the admission committee that who is the writer, and why he deserves to be admitted to their school. The personal statement should be more than three paragraphs and 300 words. The following are some steps which are helping in writing a personal statement.

1-Step: Find Your True Self

In this step, the writer should describe his life story. It should be the social and academic background, achievements, and failures of the writer.

2-Step: Find Your True Vision

In this step, the writer will write about his true vision that how God opens his mind to his vision that writer has never seen before. The writer should formulate all of the ideas of what he wants out of life.

3-Step: Discover Your True Motivation

The writer will describe in this step how does his vision help others? What is the main motivation for his vision like from whom he inspired? The writer will also mention that can he accomplish his vision.

4-Step: Choose Your Goals and Objectives

Goals are necessary to fulfill the writer's vision of the statement. The writer should write out his goals because goals are clear markets that will take the writer where he needs to go.

And objectives are the detailed steps of the writer's goal. They determine when the writer wants things to happen. The writer should also describe his objectives for the completion of his vision.

5-Step: Identify Your Resources

The writer will now need to identify all the resources he will need to accomplish his vision. It will include human needs, resources need, the writer's strength or weakness, etc.

6-Step: Identify Your Principles

The writer should write out his life principles. Because principles always guide living, doing business, relating to other people and life. The writer must clarify what he will and won’t do in life.

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