Definition, Meaning, Nature and Characteristics of Society

Definition, Meaning, Nature and Characteristics of Society

Definition of Society

Society word is derived from Latin word "Socious" which means Association or Companion ship or Fellowship. Thus society means large groups of people who are associated with each other. The basic component of society is individual because intersection of individuals with each other gives birth to social groups and these social groups interact with each other and develop relation with each other which leads a society.

1. According to Maciver
"Society is a web of social relationship which is always changing".

2. According to Betrand
"Society is a group in which men share a total common life".

3. According to Linton
"Society is any group of people who are living together in organized way".

4. According to A.W Green
"Society is the largest group in which individuals have relationships".


Society is a large group of individuals, who are living together, have common interest, culture, social life system and common needs of life.
Social relationship:
Competition, Compromise, Adjustment, Common life of change etc.

Organized way: Rule and regulation followed by individuals.

Nature and Characteristics of Society

1. Largest Group of People

It is the largest social social group of people, living together long periods of time.

2. Composed of Social Group

Society is composed of social group of various types. All the groups performance their own respective and have their own structure. These can be classified. on the basis of professions, casts, age, sex, literacy, residence, race, and religion.

3. Social Institutions are the main Organ

Social institutions are the main organs of human society. The inter-relationship among institutions creates structure for the society.

4. Society Changes Rate Depend upon the Culture

Society changes rate depends upon the culture if the culture is more technological and industrialized than the rate of social changes will be fast and if the institution of education, technology, and industry are free literate than the period of the change will be slow.

5. Dynamism

No society is in state, how so much free illiterate it may be, because all societies changes through. The rate of change of some societies is fast and the some of slow depend upon the society.

6. Rural Urban Composition

Human society have at least two expect rural and urban. Rural society is sparsely residing group of people with simple culture and the urban group lives in cluster with complex culture.

7. Presence of Culture

All human societies have their own culture. It is the way of life of people. Presence of culture is essential for society.

8. Fulfillment of Human

Society fulfill human needs through social relationship among the members. This opens a network of relationship among the people who is economic, educational, religious, familiars, and political in nature, by this way, people are bound together in mutual relationship, giving raise to social groups.

9. Organized in Nature

A society is organized by the process of interdependent among the groups and institutions. This need binds them all together into an organized units.

10. Limited Geographical Boundary

A society is spread in a limited geographical boundary, because human society has political government in which territorial boundary is an essential condition.

11. Mechanism of Social Norms and Social Sanctions

Human society has social norms and social sanctions, by which human behavior may be control.
+) Social Norms
Standard or indication of right and wrong.
+) Social Sanctions
Regard right things and punishment for wrong things.
Simply social norms.....only identify and social sanctions.....give regards and punishment.

12. Permanent Social Groups

A society is permanent social groups which live and continues to live for and indefinite period of time.
+) Social Groups
Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Teachers, etc..

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