Essay on Corruption, Categories, Strategies and Implementation for Anti-Corruption in Pakistan

Essay on Corruption, Categories, Strategies and Implementation for Anti-Corruption in Pakistan

 Definition of Corruption

The word corruption is derived from Latin word Corruptus which means "to break". In the layman use, corruption means the misuse of delegated power for personal gains. National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) has defined the corruption as "A behavior on the part of the office holder in the public or private sector whereby the improperly or unlawfully enrich themselves or those close to them or induce others to do so, by misgiving the position in which they are placed; theoretically, it is a behavior that deviate a person from established values, principles convention and laws.

Categories of Corruption Corruption is usually divided into three categories such as petty, grand and political corruption. The petty corruption is linked to low down salaried class. Also, sometimes referred as "Facilitating Payment". The reason for this types of corruption is to fast track the clerical procedures. Generally, in low income societies, this sort of corruption is somehow acceptable, as it is perceived a necessity to fulfill the legitimate needs.

The grand corruption is related to upper class of the society usually high level administration. The greed and lost for the power are the basic stimulus for this type of corruption.

The political corruption is the behavior by government officials that violate publicly sanctioned, moral standards, or the abuse of public offices for personal enrichment. Such abuse occurs in many forms. The most common include bribery, extortion, embezzlement of government resources, violation of campaign laws and electrical fraud.

Corruption damages both national character and economy. It destroy country's institutions. But what hurts the common man is the bribery. He confronts at every step. He is required to pay more often, just to avoid harassment, injustice or delay. thus it has become extortion ever work than bribe.

Corruption has become a way of life and it permeates every segment of our society. It is not endemic to the public sector alone but extends to private life as were. Defining corruption as disease is wrong since it really is a symptom of a wider malaise. It is now a pervasive evil.

Corruption all over the world equally in developed and developing countries. The level of corruption may vary between developed and developing countries but it cannot be restricted only yo the developing and poor countries. The series of scandals surfaced recently in the U.S indicates that corporate leaders can also be highly corrupt. Undeniably, poor and developing countries are more prove to corruption. Lack of rule of law, inequality, injustice and bad governance cause vulnerability to moral and financial corruption eventually.

Corruption In Pakistan According To Transparency International (TI) Pakistan is the 117th least corrupt nation out of 175 countries according to the 2018 Corruption Perception Index by Transparency International (TI). Corruption has struck deep roots into Pakistan's soil. The is that all section of Pakistan's elite are involved in corruption in a big way. They included Politicians, Businessmen, Civil bureaucrats and many others official sectors.

The simplest and implacable way it taken to curb the corruption, was to do away the corrupted Politicians and bureaucrats altogether, by reducing the size of the state into private. Corruption may also be controlled by openness, transparency and information costs, inter governmental competition, legalism, party competition, decision rules, collective action problems and public administration.

Implementation For Anti-Corruption For effective implementation of anti-corruption in institutions we can use four strategies such as societal, legal, market and political strategies.

In societal strategy, each person should follow the standard of morality, they should be vigilant and watch out for individuals who are engage in corruption and encouraged others to take action against corrupt body.

In legal strategy, the law and judiciary, police, press, media, should work together towards the goad of discriminating corruption through justice.

In market strategy, the gap between government and market structure must be minimized to avoid in lower level corruption.

In political strategy, decentralization of power, giving away to the ruling coalition to engage in corrupt activities. By implementation of more transparency in public sector, budged process should be published to mass media.

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